Green international medical


Sesderma Vitises KT lotion

يعمل vitises kt على تحفيز استعادة لون البشرة الطبيعي لمرضى البهاقمن خلال حث خلايا الميلانوسيت على زيادة افراز الميلانين بشكل طبيعي ليمنح البشرة لونها
يستخدم مرتين اسبوعيا مع التعرض لأشعة ال UVB ( أو الشمس) لتحفيز تكوين الصبغه
المنتج طبيعي و امن ولا يسبب اي اضرار للبشرة

Skin pigmentation accelerator. ( VITILIGO )

Information: Acts as a skin pigmentation accelerator and helps restore normal levels of melanin in melanocytes. Can be used with both natural and artificial UVA exposure. Contains Khellin and Phenylalanine encapsulated in nanosomes, these active ingredients act by accelerating the pigmentation in melanocytes

Ingredients: Khellin and phenylalanine encapsulated in liposomes.

Dose: Spray Vitises KT mist on hypopigmented lesions 30 minutes before sun exposure. After this time make sure to limit sun exposure or narrowband UVB exposure to short times, increasing gradually as the skin becomes accustomed to more sun exposure. Unlike with psoralens no photo toxicity occurs.

Category: Face/Body | Vitiligo ( Discoloration )

BHD: 27.500

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Sesderma Vitises Pact Nanoadditive

منتج مساعد لعلاج البهاق من خلال عمله كمضاد قوي للالتهاب و الأكسدة من خلال مواد فعاله مصممه بواسطة النانوتكنولوجي لامتصاص اسرع و اعمق و فعالية أعمق

(VITILIGO ) System that stimulates pigmentation. It contains vitises gel 50 ml + nanoadditives that enhance its antioxidant effect. Helps restore melanin levels.

Information: Vitiligo is a chronic condition in which the cells that manufacture melanin become inactive (severe oxidation process), giving rise to white patches. These appear with greater frequency on the face, neck, eyelids, nipples, genitals, folds (armpits and groin) and areas that have suffered trauma (cuts, burns). It also affects the hair, appearing in the form of grey scalp or beard.

Ingredients: It contains vitises gel 50 ml + nanoadditives that enhance its antioxidant effect.

Dose:Apply directly onto the patch, preferably twice a day (morning and night), using a circular massage motion until fully absorbed.

Category: Face/Body | Vitiligo ( Discoloration )

BHD: 22.000

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Sesderma Vitises Ecad Gel

منتج مساعد لعلاج البهاق يحمى الخلايا المسئولة عن افراز الصبغة ( الميلانين ) ويحافظ على موقعها الوظيفي مما يقوى افرازها للصبغة.

Gel liposome for hypopigmented skin with active ingredients that reinforce and protect the cells responsible for pigmentation. Helps restore melanin levels.

Information: The causes of vitiligo are unknown. On occasion it appears following emotional stress or physical trauma. Various hypotheses exist relating to the causes of the condition, among them cytotoxicity, the autoimmune system, genes,nutrition and the neural system.Onset and gravity depend on the person, but the condition usually begins with a rapid loss of pigment followed by a longer period during which the skin does not change. At a later date loss begins again, often following physical or mental trauma.Loss may continue until the process stops for reasons that are unknown.

Ingredients: AA-cadherin and tetrahydrojasmonate.

Dose: Apply directly onto the patch, preferably twice a day (morning and night), using a circular massage motion until fully absorbed.

Category: Face/Body | Vitiligo ( Discoloration )

BHD: 22.000

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