Green international medical

Hypertrophic Scar

Scar esthetique cream

يحتوي Scar Esthetique على 23 مادة ومن احداها السيليكون ذو الدور الفعال في تقليل جميع انواع الندبات (الندبات الجراحية بعد الولادة وندبات حب الشباب ...الخ( والالتهابات .

Scar Esthetique includes 23 ingredients proven effective for scar management. Silicone is on top of that list because it is widely accepted as the gold standard in scar therapy, so we knew it was crucial for an effective scar cream.

Category: face/body | scar managment

BHD: 20.738

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scar silicon sheets

Surgical Scars,Traumatic Scars,Hypertrophic Scars,Keloid Scars,Burn Scars.

Ingredient: silicone Scar Sheets Are Number 1 In Scar Management

How to Use: Wear Scar Fx over your scar 8-12 hours per day. Be sure to remove plastic covering from both sides before use. Only to be used on closed wounds. Secure with Hypoallergenic Medical Tape if necessary. Best results when used with scar heal cream.

Category: face/body | Scar managment

BHD: 22.000

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